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"DIY Guide: Creating Your Own Custom Leather Keychain"

Writer: Joe McNallyJoe McNally

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Today's leather blog is a DYI Guide: "To Creating Your Own Custom Leather Keychain". I will layout a step-by-step guide in explaining how to make a leather keychain fob. First, you need to gather the materials needed to craft this project.

I will create a list of the things you will need below.

Step#1 You will need to decide the type of leather and its thickness before moving any further. I have decided to use Vegetable Tanned Leather measuring 8-9 oz in thickness with a 1-2 oz. liner for the flesh side of the leather. Step#2 you will need to select your keychain template or pattern in order to cut out your leather. Step#3 once you have cut the leather, to take a number two Edge-beveler to round off your edges on the flesh and smooth side of the leather. Also, edge-bevel the leather liner too for the backing. Step#4 to dampen or what we call (Casing the leather) to make slightly wet for embossing leather and tool stamping. Step#5 will be to use some kind of contact cement or contact spray adhesive to put the two leather pieces together and lightly tap down with a mallet or maul hammer to bond.

Step#6 After, allowing at least one-hour of dry time to take a set of wing dividers and set to one-fourth of an inch and scribe a line around the perimeter of the leather keychain. Step#7 use a set of stitching chisels to make stitching holes for the thread.

If, you have a sewing machine that can sew leather this is an option as well. Step#8 to saddle stitch the leather keychain using a stitch pony or a mechanical vise for clamping the leather into place. Step#9 apply a light coat of leather conditioner and polish to seal and burnish the edges of the leather. Step#10 to use a one-eighth hole punch and install the key ring through the hole. Step#11 use a piece of fiber cloth or wood-slicker to burnish the edges one last time.

Material List You Will Need:

  • Leather Type and thickness (8-9) oz Liner (1-2) oz.

  • Template or Pattern for Keychain fob

  • Edge Beveler#2

  • Water to wet the leather.

  • Contact cement or Spray adhesive.

  • Wing Divider tool

  • Set stitching chisels.

  • Needles & Thread.

  • Leather Polish Conditioner

  • Wood-Slicker or Cloth.

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